Dart DocumentationpuremvcIFacade

IFacade Interface

The interface definition for a PureMVC MultiCore Facade.

The Facade Pattern suggests providing a single class to act as a central point of communication for a subsystem.

In PureMVC, the IFacade acts as an interface between the core MVC actors IModel, IView, IController, and the rest of your application, which (aside from view components and data objects) is mostly expressed with ICommands, IMediators, and IProxys.

This means you don't need to communicate with the IModel, IView, IController instances directly, you can just go through the IFacade. And conveniently, ICommands, IMediators, and IProxys all have a built-in reference to their IFacade after initialization, so they're all plugged in and ready to communicate with each other.

See IModel, IView, IController, IProxy, IMediator, ICommand, INotification



Implemented by



Code IController get controller() #

IController get controller();

Code void set controller(IController controllerInstance) #

This IFacade's IController

void set controller( IController controllerInstance );

Code bool hasCommand(String noteName) #

Check if an ICommand is registered for a given INotification name with the IController.

  • Param noteName - the name of the INotification.
  • Returns bool - whether an ICommand is currently registered for the given noteName.
bool hasCommand( String noteName );

Code bool hasMediator(String mediatorName) #

Check if an IMediator is registered with the IView.

  • Param mediatorName - the name of the IMediator you're looking for.
  • Returns bool - whether an IMediator is registered in this core with the given mediatorName.
bool hasMediator( String mediatorName );

Code bool hasProxy(String proxyName) #

Check if an IProxy is registered with the IModel.

  • Param proxyName - the name of the IProxy instance you're looking for.
  • Returns bool - whether an IProxy is currently registered with the given proxyName.
bool hasProxy( String proxyName );

Code IModel get model() #

IModel get model();

Code void set model(IModel modelInstance) #

This IFacade's IModel

void set model( IModel modelInstance );

Code String get multitonKey() #

String get multitonKey();

Code void set multitonKey(String key) #

This IFacade's Multiton key

void set multitonKey( String key );

Code void notifyObservers(INotification notification) #

Notify IObservers.

This method allows you to send custom INotification classes using the IFacade.

Usually you should just call sendNotification and pass the parameters, never having to construct an INotification yourself.

void notifyObservers( INotification notification );

Code void registerCommand(String noteName, Function commandFactory) #

Register an INotification to ICommand mapping with the IController.

  • Param noteName - the name of the INotification to associate the ICommand with.
  • Param commandFactory - a function that creates a new instance of the ICommand.
void registerCommand( String noteName, Function commandFactory );

Code void registerMediator(IMediator mediator) #

Register an IMediator instance with the IView.

Registers the IMediator so that it can be retrieved by name, and interrogates the IMediator for its INotification interests.

If the IMediator returns a list of INotification names to be notified about, an Observer is created encapsulating the IMediator instance's handleNotification method and registering it as an IObserver for all INotifications the IMediator is interested in.

  • Param mediator - a reference to the IMediator instance.
void registerMediator( IMediator mediator );

Code void registerObserver(String noteName, IObserver observer) #

Register an IObserver to be notified of INotifications with a given name.

void registerObserver( String noteName, IObserver observer );

Code void registerProxy(IProxy proxy) #

Register an IProxy instance with the IModel.

  • Param proxy - an object reference to be held by the IModel.
void registerProxy( IProxy proxy );

Code void removeCommand(String noteName) #

Remove a previously registered INotification to ICommand mapping from the IController.

void removeCommand( String noteName );

Code IMediator removeMediator(String mediatorName) #

Remove an IMediator from the IView.

IMediator removeMediator( String mediatorName );

Code void removeObserver(String noteName, Object notifyContext) #

Remove an IObserver from the list for a given INotification name.

  • Param noteName - which IObserver list to remove from.
  • Param notifyContext - remove IObservers with this object as the notifyContext.
void removeObserver( String noteName, Object notifyContext );

Code IProxy removeProxy(String proxyName) #

Remove an IProxy instance from the IModel.

  • Param proxyName - name of the IProxy instance to be removed.
  • Returns IProxy - the IProxy that was removed from the IModel.
IProxy removeProxy( String proxyName );

Code IMediator retrieveMediator(String mediatorName) #

Retrieve an IMediator from the IView.

  • Param mediatorName - the name of the IMediator instance to retrieve.
  • Returns IMediator - the IMediator instance previously registered in this core with the given mediatorName.
IMediator retrieveMediator( String mediatorName );

Code IProxy retrieveProxy(String proxyName) #

Retrieve an IProxy instance from the IModel.

  • Param proxyName - the name of the IProxy instance to retrieve.
  • Returns the IProxy instance previously registered with the given proxyName.
IProxy retrieveProxy( String proxyName );

Code IView get view() #

IView get view();

Code void set view(IView viewInstance) #

This IFacade's IView

void set view( IView viewInstance );