Package puremvc :: Module interfaces :: Class IFacade
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classobj IFacade

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Known Subclasses:

The interface definition for a PureMVC Facade.

The Facade Pattern suggests providing a single class to act as a central point of communication for a subsystem.

In PureMVC, the Facade acts as an interface between the core MVC actors (Model, View, Controller) and the rest of your application.

See Also:
IModel, IView, IController, ICommand, INotification
Instance Methods [hide private]
notifyObservers(self, note)
Notify the IObservers for a particular INotification.
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registerProxy(self, proxy)
Register an IProxy with the Model by name.
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retreieveProxy(self, proxyName)
Retrieve a IProxy from the Model by name.
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removeProxy(self, proxyName)
Remove an IProxy instance from the Model by name.
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hasProxy(self, proxyName)
Check if a Proxy is registered
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registerCommand(self, noteName, commandClassRef)
Register an ICommand with the Controller.
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removeCommand(self, notificationName)
Remove a previously registered ICommand to INotification mapping from the Controller.
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hasCommand(self, notificationName)
Check if a Command is registered for a given Notification
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registerMediator(self, mediator)
Register an IMediator instance with the View.
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retreieveMediator(self, mediatorName)
Retrieve an IMediator instance from the View.
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removeMediator(self, mediatorName)
Remove a IMediator instance from the View.
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Method Details [hide private]

notifyObservers(self, note)

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Notify the IObservers for a particular INotification.

All previously attached IObservers for this INotification's list are notified and are passed a reference to the INotification in the order in which they were registered.

NOTE: Use this method only if you are sending custom Notifications. Otherwise use the sendNotification method which does not require you to create the Notification instance.

  • note - the INotification to notify IObservers of.

registerProxy(self, proxy)

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Register an IProxy with the Model by name.

  • proxy - the IProxy to be registered with the Model.

retreieveProxy(self, proxyName)

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Retrieve a IProxy from the Model by name.

  • proxyName - the name of the IProxy instance to be retrieved.
the IProxy previously regisetered by proxyName with the Model.

removeProxy(self, proxyName)

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Remove an IProxy instance from the Model by name.

  • proxyName - the IProxy to remove from the Model.
the IProxy that was removed from the Model

hasProxy(self, proxyName)

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Check if a Proxy is registered

  • proxyName
whether a Proxy is currently registered with the given proxyName.

registerCommand(self, noteName, commandClassRef)

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Register an ICommand with the Controller.

  • noteName - the name of the INotification to associate the ICommand with.
  • commandClassRef - a reference to the Class of the ICommand.

removeCommand(self, notificationName)

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Remove a previously registered ICommand to INotification mapping from the Controller.

  • notificationName - the name of the INotification to remove the ICommand mapping for

hasCommand(self, notificationName)

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Check if a Command is registered for a given Notification

  • notificationName - the name of the INotification
whether a Command is currently registered for the given notificationName.

registerMediator(self, mediator)

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Register an IMediator instance with the View.

  • mediator - a reference to the Mediator instance

retreieveMediator(self, mediatorName)

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Retrieve an IMediator instance from the View.

  • mediatorName - the name of the IMediator instance to retrievve
the IMediator previously registered with the given mediatorName.

removeMediator(self, mediatorName)

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Remove a IMediator instance from the View.

  • mediatorName - name of the IMediator instance to be removed.
the IMediator instance previously registered with the given mediatorName.